The Sandalwood City of India or Mysore, as it is popularly known, is a beautiful city which boasts of a rich history, art and a culture still preserved in its splendor. From the famous palace to serene lakes, from placid temples to heaven-like gardens, the city has much to offer to the respite of the human monotony.
Mysore can comfortably claim to be one of the greener cities in the country, thanks to the local authorities who have been very pro-active in preserving the ecology and making best possible efforts to keep it intact.
Various large green patches, in and around Mysore, have been declared as protected forest areas to conserve them against urban nuances. This acts as a great illustration for other cities to preserve their bio-network too.

It is the result of combined efforts from various authorities that the momentum is still going strong for environment protection in Mysore. Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens or the Mysore Zoo, which houses more than 1000 animals, is a wonderful institution in its own – working towards environment safeguarding and conservation of endangered species in its own way.
The zoo has an in-house animal hospital that is well equipped for animal care. A great emphasis is laid on synchronized animal breeding for a healthier posterity.
The zoo has an innovative scheme for discouraging the use of plastic bags among the people. At the entrance, visitors are asked to exchange their plastic bags with paper bags provided by the zoo operators.

They have another interesting environment-friendly program running inside the zoo. The organic waste generated from all the animals is turned into rich manure through vermicomposting. This has been practiced since 2004 and farmers and gardeners have been buying the manure to enrich their produce. This entire process has helped the zoo in maintaining a clean surrounding inside the premises.
The zoo is also famous for its Animal Adoption schemes which are running successfully and go long ways in providing a quality living to the housed animals. Every year, the zoo celebrates the World Environment Day by way of various awareness programs in an effort to evoke environmental consciousness among all.
Author: Swati Maheshwari
Swati is a Communications Consultant and is actively associated with Ek Titli. She loves to write and tries to sing at times 🙂 She feels strongly for sustainable living. You can reach her at swati.maheshwari@ektitli.org
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