When was the last time you used an Organic Product?
Always wanted to use one but didn’t know where to find one?
Got one, but, darn! it just wasn’t organic!

Well! Well! Well! We have loads to give you to satiate that Organic Bug. All you need to do is write, click and win!
Ek Titli, Rustic Art and Ginger Chai bring to you an environmental awareness contest this September.
So who can participate?
Bloggers and non-bloggers.
Bloggers would write the contest topic in their respective blogs where as non-bloggers can register in café.gingerchai.com, and publish their contest article there.
Duration of the contest:
4 weeks. 1 contest a week spanning 4 weeks.
The topic would be announced on one Thursday (Starting 1st September) and the last date of submission would be the following Wednesday.
Total time frame: 1st Sept to 30th Sept
Week 1: 1st to 7th
Week 2: 8th to 14th
Week 3: 15th to 21st
Week 4: 22nd to 29th
Contest topics:
Topics to be announced on 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd of September
Topics for 1st week:
You can choose any one of the following topic:
- A day in the life of a roadside tree
- If trees could talk, they would tell us …….
- Your oldest memory of a giant tree (from your childhood)
- Describe the first time you planted a tree
First Prize: The Fool http://luciferhouseinc.blogspot.com/2011/09/all-in-days-work.html
Second Prize: Rajlakshmi http://destinychildosheen.blogspot.com/2011/09/green-o-conbut-my-abode-as-well.html
And the runners up are:
Shail Raguvanshi: http://musenmotivation.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/i-want-to-go-away-forever/
Gyanban: http://www.gyanban.com/2011/09/pluck.html
For the complete list of entries, click here
Topics for 2nd week:
‘Green’ photo-blog post with filmy captions.
The winners for Week 2 are:
1st Prize:
Pic caption: “chaltey chaltey”
2nd Prize:
Harsha Chittar
Pic caption: “rangeela”
For the complete list of entries, Click here
Topics for 3rd week:
10 innovative ways of going ‘green’.
For the complete list of entries, Click here.
Topics for 4th week:
You can choose any one of the following topic:
- Gift a sapling to someone and describe the reaction
- Why go organic?
Entry submission:
Entries should be submitted on or before 29th September.
The URL link of your entry should be given in the comment section of Ginger Chai: here
Each Participant to do the following mandatory things to enroll for the contest:
- Include the HTML code provided at the end/beginning of the contest entries.
- Post a link to every entry on their twitter id mentioning @Ginger_Chai, @ek_titli & @rustic_art . No limitations on the numbers. (if you don’t have a twitter account, you can skip this point)
- Post a link to every entry on Ek Titli’s facebook page. Only one link per article on FB page
- Leave a trackback and comment about their entry on the update on EkTitli.Org. The link to the post on EkTitli.Org is:
Declaration of results:
Winners to be announced on 10th (1st week), 17th (2nd week), 24th (3rd week), 2nd Oct (4th week)
Two winners per week:
1st Prize – Rs 1000 worth of goods,
2nd Prize – Rs 500 worth of goods sponsored by Rustic Art.
Judging criteria:
The entries would be judged on the basis of following criteria:
- Content
- Presentation
- Grammar
- Flow and,
- Impact
Rustic Art is a brand of Organic, Natural & Handmade products that are soft on the skin and environment. They are here to spread the ‘organic’ word.
Ginger Chai is an e-zine that brings a kaleidoscopic view of the world and beyond for you, me and we. A collaborative effort of multi- authors delivering a vibrant bouquet of articles. We have something for everyone to read, so come sip our thoughts!
To participate/follow updates on the contest click here, or follow us on Facebook & Twitter.
If you wish to have your work published at Ek Titli, please click here for more details.