Pooja Banwari

Social Media Pooja Banwari is an Electronics and Communication Engineer with interests in reading, knitting and doing cross-stitch. At Ek Titli she assists in maintaining content on the portal. Want to create a patchwork design? You can reach her at Pooja.Banwari [at] EkTitli.org

Root Chakra

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra or the Muladhara, carries on each of its four red petals a letter of the Sanskrit alphabet inscribe in shining yellow or gold: va, sa, sa, sa. These letters are contained within a yellow square representing the earth element, together with the seed mantra Lam. The four letters represent the root vibration, and are related to the vital breath known as Apana. The Root Chakra governs issues around physical self-preservation. These issues include survival, security and safety, as well as primal erotic and procreational urges. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to …

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The biggest challenge of the PV industry in India


PV Insider spoke to a few leading developers in the Indian PV industry about the biggest challenge at the moment: Project Financing; as they are at the front line of growing PV MW capacity locally and internationally. PV Insider has compiled their interviews in an exclusive Q&A session that will allow you to take advantage of their experiences to make your business thrive and acquire the financial backing for your PV project. Q1: A strong experience and track record is essential for a developer to obtain the financial backing for their PV project in India. How can new players overcome this …

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Aggressive bids at heart of JNNSM’s batch 2 of phase 1 tenders

India Clip

Solar energy in India will power ahead in 2012 as the sector touches new heights with the result of the batch two of phase one of its National Solar Mission bid round. But will the aggressive market entry tactics survive a long-term market plan for India? NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN) has shortlisted 22 bidders to set up solar energy-based power plants in India under the batch II of phase 1 of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). French Company Solar Direct has emerged as the lowest bidder offering solar power at Rs.7.49 ($0.149) per kwh while Green Infra emerged …

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Introduction to Chakra Gardens


In the last few months, we have covered all about growing various kinds of plants and taking care of them. Going forward, our future articles will give you a detailed perspective of how plants and their produce can directly affect both our gross spiritual and physical level. The fruits of plants and the plants themselves can create a balance in our energy levels. This in turn affects our glands and ultimately our health as it cures many ailments. Ever wondered why chocolates uplift one’s mood when low and melancholic? The energy levels that I have been mentioning are found in …

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Air Filtering Plants

While you are cleaning and tidying up your abode, how about using some help from our little green friends? This week we list down a few plants that will make your task all the more easier and comfortable. Plants that purify the air: Plants apart from absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen also eliminate significant amounts of benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. These chemical compounds are commonly found in the air of every household as it is emitted by oils, paints, rubber, plastic, detergents & synthetic fibres, etc. A quick Google of these chemicals will show you a list of ailments …

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Going Native

This video, by North Carolina State University and their “Going Native” website is for home owners, land owners, and businesses, encouraging the use of native plants in the landscape. The website offers great details on how to attract native wildlife to your property by simply introducing specific, native plants in the landscape that the local wildlife are used to. Too often people and developers bring in non-native plants into the landscape. Local wildlife may not be familiar with or care for these new plants and therefore may move out of the area, looking for plants they have been dependant on …

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Recycle Egg Shells

Recycling Egg Shells

This is a great little environmental and recycle tip from a good friend of mine who has her own website: “Smell like Dirt”. There are a number of things we can do to recycle, reuse, conserve and support the environment and wildlife in our own regions. Saving and processing basic eggshells is one easy way to reduce waste and help nature at the same time. Carol Buie-Jackson offers a number of great tips and ideas on nature, birding, backyard wildlife habitats and more on her website. I work with Carol as a member of our local environmental group; HAWK (Habitat And …

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Children and Nature

Children and Nature

This is a video that I put together to encourage connecting our youth to the exciting wonders of nature. The ideas and concept of this video come from a book by author Richard Louv. He wrote a book called “Last Child in the Woods, Saving our Children from ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’”. It also supports an organization called the “Children and Nature Network”. All of this relates to how our children tend to spend up to 8 hours a day in front of some electronic device and are quickly losing their connection to the natural world, affecting their health, vision, education, and …

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Go organic this winter!!


After the scorching heat and the messy rains, winter comes as a sweet disguise. The weather is pleasant, the mood in the air is eclectic, and there is a feeling of being outdoors more often than sitting indoors. A change in the weather also changes our daily lifestyle as longer nights give us ample periods of rest. But a drop in temperature can catch us unprepared and our bodies will succumb to these changes. The last week I have been in bed with a sore throat, running nose and a bad back pain. Well the weather caught me unprepared for …

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Aloe Vera

Diabetes is one of the oldest known diseases. An Egyptian manuscript mentions the phrase “the passing of too much urine” to describe the prevalence of the disease then, while in India, the great physician Sushruta, identified the disease and classified it as Medhumeha. The ancient Indians tested for diabetes by observing whether ants were attracted to a person’s urine, and called the ailment “sweet urine disease”. Of the estimated 346 million people worldwide that suffer from Diabetes, around 51 million are in India alone! According to a WHO report, an estimated 3.4 million people died from consequences of high blood …

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