
eMO on the wheels!

Tata eMO

Diversified business house Tata group is developing an electric car named Tata eMO (Electric MObility). More than 300 engineers from the Tata Technologies centers based in Pune, Detroit, UK and Germany have engineered it and has already received 15 process patents!

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Portable Wind Turbine

Have you ever heard of a Wind Turbine that is portable or can be shipped in a standard container? And can be set-up by a technician in a day and saves you on any site improvements or cranes?

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EU has the largest Solar Industry growth Globally

Despite the decrease of subsidies across Europe, the use of solar power continues to increase. According to a report by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, two thirds of the world’s increase in solar power capacity came from within the EU last year. Last year 46.1GW of new energy capacity was installed in Europe, with 56 % of that using photovoltaic technology. Currently EU meets 2% of all of its electricity demand using solar power! This continued growth in solar power comes at a time when many countries are considering removing their subsidies for solar technology. Spain has …

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Can Whisky Fuel Cars in the future?

In what is claimed to be the worlds first, a Scottish distillery has linked up with a spin-out company from a University in Edinburgh to create fuel from whisky ‘left overs’. The butanol produced after feeding these “leftovers” with bacteria can be used to fuel vehicles. More than 90% of the stuff that comes out of a whisky distillery is not whisky. It is leftovers like draff and pot ales – both produced in the early stages of the process. The distiller, Tullibardine has the capacity to provide 6,500 metric tons of draff (what’s left of the grain after fermentation) …

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Re-engineered Reva to be on road soon

Reva’s NXR is a significant improvement over its predecessor. Now, it needs the right kind of push — like country-wide charging infrastructure — to make it a viable alternative. Gone is the quaint, fragile-looking machine, gingerly weaving its way in between lumbering SUVs and smoke-belching buses. The NXR, which is the next generation Reva — India’s indigenously-produced, all-electric car brand — is scheduled to hit the roads sometime around October this year and comes across, more or less, as just another small car. It’s much more than that, of course. The next-gen baby of Chetan Maini, Reva’s founder and current …

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Procter & Gamble

Sustainable Innovation

Procter and Gamble is a classic example of an action-oriented consumer goods company. Not only have they laid down efficient strategic and sustainable long-term goals but also have achieved success in accomplishing their short-term goals. P&G has taken assertive initiative by delivering the best of services and products by incorporating sustainable and environment-friendly methods. P&G focuses on mainly two strategies: Products: By using life cycle analysis, they track and target their innovation techniques. Operations: By focusing on creating efficiencies in energy, water, waste, and emissions. They have touched varied sectors and have brought significant change in the current environment scenario. …

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The Coca-Cola System

The Coca-Cola System

Good things come in small and green packages. Coke has taken a leap forward and introduced the concept of PlantBottle wherein the plastic beverage bottle is now made recyclable and is produced partially from plants. The material looks and functions just like traditional PET plastic, but have a lighter footprint on the planet and its scarce resources. Four massive companies: Ford, Heinz, Nike and Procter & Gamble, have joined the league by declaring that a joint effort is taken up by them to develop 100% plant based plastic, thus reducing the fossil fuel consumption. The idea of PlantBottle was highly …

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A Tidal Wave of Electricity: Role Of Tidal turbines

the HS300 during installation

The world today stands at the threshold of an energy crisis. With petroleum and coal reserves looking to be exhausted in the next few decades, there has been a rush for innovations in the renewable energy sector. An answer may be found in the blue seas which cover more than 70% of the earth’s surface and are thus huge reserves of energy. Tidal energy is one of the forms of this energy having big prospects in being utilised by man. As is well known, tides are the periodic rise and fall in the level of ocean and sea surfaces with …

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Tap for an App

energySaver app

While you were absorbed in shooting out Angry Birds on iPhones, people at some corner of the world were developing this amazing app that would turn many heads. Most of us have often desired to join the green community doing pretty little things for the environment whether be it using less energy or switch over to an entirely eco-friendly setup. The yearning is obvious but the tools are at times obscure. However, this new mobile application claims to keep track on the energy and water use, analyze and suggest changes in consumption and to add-on prevents a dent in your …

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