Tag Archives: energy

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Around a month back we started a new series on the influence of plants on the various chakras in our body. We had written on The Root Chakra or the Muladhara and the respective plants that help balance this chakra. This week we look into the finer details of The Sacral Chakra or the Svadhisthana. Svadhisthana, the centre of whatever constitutes the individual’s personality, is situated in the spine in the region above the genitals (in the lower abdomen). It carries on its six vermilion petals the six Sanskrit letters ba, bha, ma, ya, ra, la. In the pericarp, the …

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Root Chakra

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra or the Muladhara, carries on each of its four red petals a letter of the Sanskrit alphabet inscribe in shining yellow or gold: va, sa, sa, sa. These letters are contained within a yellow square representing the earth element, together with the seed mantra Lam. The four letters represent the root vibration, and are related to the vital breath known as Apana. The Root Chakra governs issues around physical self-preservation. These issues include survival, security and safety, as well as primal erotic and procreational urges. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to …

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Introduction to Chakra Gardens


In the last few months, we have covered all about growing various kinds of plants and taking care of them. Going forward, our future articles will give you a detailed perspective of how plants and their produce can directly affect both our gross spiritual and physical level. The fruits of plants and the plants themselves can create a balance in our energy levels. This in turn affects our glands and ultimately our health as it cures many ailments. Ever wondered why chocolates uplift one’s mood when low and melancholic? The energy levels that I have been mentioning are found in …

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Green Fuel to the respite!


Fuel consumption, as we all know, is a major issue in today’s world. Since oil reserves are running low, we would either need to cut down on our fuel consumption or start investing in bicycles! Julesh Bhatia, founder, Eco Green Fuels, talks to Ek Titli about his invention in this space. Founded in the year 2007, Eco Green Fuels Pvt. Ltd. (EGF) is the first company in India to have established an end to end solution in the emerging market of alternative fuels through the agricultural route. The concept has novel objectives like providing village employment, creating green patches on …

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An insight into business benefits from green growth and innovation!

CII CESD to organise Sustainability Solutions Summit & Exhibition in New Delhi on 25th-26th November, 2011 CII ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development is organising the sixth addition of one-of- its –kind conference with an interesting mix of stake-holders to discuss how sustainability by itself would involve in the future and affect them. The two day event called Sustainability Solutions: Summit & Exhibition at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi on 25th -26th November, 2011 will explore challenges, opportunities, and strategies for bringing sustainability solutions to Indian Businesses.  Chief Guests for the Summit includes prominent leaders, Mr. Jayanthi Natrajan; Minister …

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InEnCy Sector Focus

The industrial sector in India accounts for upto 36% of electricity consumption in India. That makes industrial sector the biggest consumer of electricity. The energy intensive sectors like cement, textiles, iron, steel, cement and fertilizers are the prime users, consuming upto 70% of this electricity. Around 15-25% of this consumption is avoidable. The second biggest consumers of electric energy are the domestic and the commercial sectors, consuming upto 33% of the total electricity. Daytime lights usage is the biggest contributor to the electricity consumption in buildings. Similarly, in the domestic sector, lighting and fans contribute the maximum to the electricity …

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Energy Efficiency Business Plan Competiton: InEnCy

It has been estimated that India’s energy requirement will more than double in another 20 years. Is this for real? We are already living in a furnace of an environment where winter, summer and monsoon occur in extremes, losing the balance they should have. For our country, where the thrust of all economic activities is to achieve rapid growth, the CO2 emissions are bound to be high. So is the battle already lost? Not really. Well, there isn’t any U-turn, but the way ahead need not be like the path taken so far. It’s surprising how energy efficiency can be …

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